Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This blog is being created as part of the University of Westminster's #23Things project for Library (and Archive) staff to explore the exciting and thrilling world of Web 2.0. As a know-it-all twenty something I expected to have already done everything in this programme but so far, both of the Things we have been asked to do in the programme are new to me.

Thing #1 was the creation of a customised iGoogle page. I have dutifully done this but doubt I'll ever use it again. None of the 'Widgets' available seemed particularly useful to me and I would rather visit individual websites rather than having them all crammed on to one page.

Thing #2 is the creation of this blog and this, my first posting. Again, blogging is something I have never done (although I read a large number). I have tried to agitate for the creation of institutional blogs at several previous workplaces but not met with any success. Since starting at Westminster I have been reasonably active on twitter [as @annamcnally] but haven't yet started a full-blown blog. I have ideas for a blog - don't think I don't have the ideas! - but it seems rather futile until we have the archive catalogues online and some of our material digitised, so that I have something to link to/show you. For the meantime, twitter has suited me better as a means to moan about the process of cataloguing to other like-minded archivists.

But for the next 23 weeks, this blog will be the record of my progress through the 23 Things project.